Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Drive day and a lesson

So Tuesday I DID ride the bus, but I didn't get it together in time to ride my bike to the bus stop. The good news is once again it was a great ride. I went in a hour earlier than usual and with that was the benefit of sipping my coffee and watching the sun rise and light up the Santa Monica Mountains. Letting my mind drift for 25 minutes in the morning has done wonders for my morning disposition. Good bye surly Ceal.

Today was a drive day and I would be remiss if I didn't say something about another unanticipated reason for riding the bus: accountability. Being on time isn't my forte. Each review I have at work comes out like this: nearly everything is A1 great BUT there's that one ugly mark, getting to work on time. Let me say a lil sump-sumpthin' about the bus, it forces me to be on time. Makes me accountable for my actions. Not like I'm a delinquent to begin with, but seriously, when I drive I'm like, "It's OK, you can make up time on the road...just hit that snooze button one more time." The bus drives home the point that I believe one of my seventh grade teachers tried to teach me: prior proper planning. The alarm is set for 6 a.m. for a reason, and no it's not to make sure the snooze button has a purpose.

If it does anything in the long haul, the bus will certainly will drive me toward being a little more accountable. Looking forward to tomorrow's reason or perhaps lesson? Life lessons from the bus...hmmmm....we shall see.